Watch Live Tarawih Prayer Stream From Makkah 2012 [ Free ],free trick for watching Live Tarawih Prayer Stream From Makkah 2012,Google present a gift to more than a billion Muslims all around the world by launching a YouTube channel where you can watch and listen to live Tarawih prayers

Here TrOuBlEmAtE and Google present a gift to more than a billion Muslims all around the world by launching a YouTube channel where you can watch and listen to live Tarawih prayers,
and see special programs related to Ramadan Kareem. The prayers and
other programs are broadcasted live through YouTube, with good audio and
video streaming quality. This is indeed a great gift to those who
haven't been there, or want to listen to the Imam-e-Kaba recite the Holy
Quran during Tarawih Prayers. The Channel was made live on 20th June.
During the time when there are no on-going prayers, the channel shows
other streams from Masjid-al-Haram and The Kaaba.
The Tarawih prayers are a part of Ramadan (though not
obligatory for everyone). They are offered along with the usual Isha
prayers (night-time prayers). They are longer than usual prayers, and it
is customary for the prayer leaders to complete the Holy Quran at least
once in Tarawih prayers throughout the month of Ramadan. Hence, the
people offering Tarawih prayers can benefit simply by listening to The
Quran. And what better way to listen to the Quran other than in the
beautiful voices of Imam-e-Kaaba and Haram?
To view the live Tarawih prayers, you can catch the channel live here
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